Bird Mite Infestation Forums General Discussion Has anyone eliminated bird mites?

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    • #1152

      Any suggestions?

    • #1156

      I have not, had them for over a year. There’s no “bombs” or foggers that do anything.. Lysol works on contact, 91% alcohol also works. Kleen green works. I’ve tried almost everything. It’s been very hard to tell what’s effective because the mite habits and activity change daily in my case with or without treatments. Constant vacuuming, laundry, spraying Lysol or clean green constantly, I bought a steamer for clothes, I try to keep everything in bags but gets exhausting. It’s exhausting in general. But stay strong, you’re not alone, we’re out there going through it. Good luck and believe me we all feel for you.

    • #1357
      Rom. 8:28

      Something that helps to give some sleep for someone close to me is the following :
      1. Shower as normal
      2. Take a bucket and fill it with a layer of salt (iodized or kosher or sea salt, not sure if it matters), and fill that bucket with water, making a salt solution.
      3. Turn shower off
      4. While still in shower, cover yourself in the salt solution, even putting it in your hair. This is just pouring water over yourself, like if you were to go swimming in the ocean.
      5. Blow dry yourself to get dry. Do NOT use a towel, since this will rub off the salt from your skin.

      Let me know if it helps at all, it seems to be one of the more effective methods of at least getting some sleep, as they don’t bite for a few hours after the salt shower.

    • #1380

      Premo kills the bird mites. Its safe for kids and pets. I’ve tried everything, this works.
      And its not too expensive.

      Premo All Natural Bed Bug, Lice & Mite Killer Spray – 24 oz – Natural Non Toxic

    • #3745

      I did when we first got them back in 2017. I got from from a book I borrowed from my sister. I took leave from my job and lost about 50 lbs. from all the hard work, but I did it.

      What worked for me. I got rid of my bed and slept on a blow up mat that I could wipe off every morning with about 90% proof alcohol in a spray bottle. I wrapped my pillow in a garbage bag and put the pillow case over that. I washed my bedding & clothing daily, including my washable shoes. I used borax and a cup of ammonia in every load of laundry.

      I bought a dehumidifier and kept it running constantly in the main area of the apartment. This was the beginning of the end for the mites I believe.

      I sat only a lawn chair and got rid of most of my belongings.

      I showered in the morning and bathed at night. I used Dawn dish soap only as both shampoo and wash soap.

      The most important tools for the environment are as follows. 99% alcohol which I cut with water till it was about 75% proof. I used this in a spray bottle and sprayed down my sleep mat and the tub, toilet and sink and kitchen counters. I wiped them off with paper towels.

      I used ammonia that went in the floor wash water (about 1/2 cup for about 3 litres) and in the laundry. Ammonia is strong use a mask to pour it in the water or keep your face turned away as you pour. I used a micro fiber mop and gloves to wring it out before washing the floors & the walls. I washed the entire apartment daily at first. In the beginning twice daily. I was on a mission. Eventually you’ll get back to a normal cleaning routine. That was it for the environment. I tried DE and salt in the beginning but it just created a big mess and didn’t work anyway.

      On my body I used too many things to mention, but what I believe finally worked were Neem oil (undiluted) and Nustock (cut with Aveeno, about 80/20). Nustock is what farmers put on their livestock when animals get bald patches. I think what is happening to them is a type of mite as well. I used Neem last and it was the nail on the coffin. I would put Neem all over my body and sleep that way. It took me a long time to get them out of my feet and I would just put Nustock on my feet all day and wear it inside my socks. I did not use Neem and Nustock together. I did however also use Nustock all over my body and sleep in it. I think I used Nustock at night and Neem in the day? I can’t remember now to be honest. Perhaps using both of them was over kill but I trusted the Nustock, cause that is what got them out of my feet.

      My sister and I also bought Structured Silver and that ended everything. When the mites bit us they also deposited a type of bacteria (we believe it is a cousin to the same kind that causes Lime disease). The Structured Silver killed the bacteria and we finally got our lives back.

      I stopped driving my vehicle and walked everywhere, but my sisters, who were also impacted (we are a close family), didn’t do half the things I did. They kept their furniture and their vehicles. They just cleaned them like a bugger everyday. Vacuuming and spraying with alcohol.

      We all managed to beat the mites and you can too!

      My sister Karen is the one who had them first and she suffered the longest. She also had the most money, so she tried lots of the more expensive things like heat treatment in her house, cedar fogging, and other exterminators. None of that worked. The dehumidifier, the alcohol and the ammonia did the trick for the environment.

      • #4871


        I’m wondering if the mites were under the skin of your feet? I’m getting a handle on the infestation but the problem is that all of the ivermectin paste/ benzoyl benzoate etc that I used on my feet drove them deep under my skin. My muscles literally love of their own accord. It’s so creepy.

        I’ve now got no idea how to get them out. I’m wondering if yours were deep under the skin like that?

    • #4298

      Yes, I beat them about 8 yrs ago and something has recently brought them back, but i know how to deal with them now and am confident i won’t have them for 3 yrs like i did the first time. Thanks to John Doe (Bill), his suggestions helped a lot back then and now I have a lot of suggestions of my own! The main thing to do is to treat the inside as well as the outside. I will post what helped me the first time and is also helping now, if anyone is interested…

      • #4342

        Please post your tips!
        I need your help!

      • #4679

        If anybody’s interested are you kidding Let’s do all the tips you got this stuff can come and go at will it leaves in trees the ground animals that could be in a book of car of xylophone Anythink. Let me know what you got praise the Lord God bless you glad your better please let us know if anything you know about getting rid of this bug.

    • #4533

      My nightmare began about a year and a half ago. To get birdmites out of the environment? DEHUMIDIFY, DEHUMIDIFY, DEHUMIDIFY!! The idea behind this is that they are swarming insects that communicate with each other, they are soft bodied; and they need a certain amount of humidity in the air to breed, swarm, and live. Removed moisture from the air and they eventually die. I purchased two large dehumidifiers and ran them around the clock. I began noticing a difference shortly thereafter, and eventually, all activity stopped. Just to be safe, I ran them for many months months after I felt the last one.
      My nightmare, unfortunately, did not end there. They (and scabies mites – the cat I got them from was loaded with parasites) had burrowed into my skin, and I have not been able to get them out, and I’ve tried everything that I found on this and another site, including an expensive rife machine and scalar machine. The scalar machine seems to blunt their activity, but is not killing them off. Certain essential oils seem to stun them for a bit, but not kill them. I am going to see a sympathetic naturopathic doctor who actually LISTENED to me on the phone, so I hope I can start some kind of treatment with him. If he can’t help, there is another naturopath who will try to help as well.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Westwardbound.
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