Bird Mite Infestation Forums Your Story No One Believes Me

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    • #1397

      I have had mites for about 4 months now. Called 3 pest control businesses. Only one returned my call. He came out thinking that I had bed bugs. Only he was flabbergasted. He found nothing to support my claim that I had bugs. I had to show him some of my bite marks to give him proof that I didn’t imagine bugs infesting my house. The doctors even think that I have bed bugs. I collected so many different bugs and insects in the beginning. Yes, two were bed bugs.. only I found those in some flat-rate shipping boxes that were sent to me from the post office. At that time, I didn’t know that I was dealing with mites. I had a list. When I had crossed everyone of those out.. I had to learn and find out what can bite seriously hard + can’t be seen. The one that I had taken out of my eye that was attached to a strand of lint(had in my eye for 2 days). The Extension Office had problems in finding it. I had 2 sticky boards from my landlord. I had forgotten about where they were. I sat on one once in cutting a pattern out, another time one got stuck to my pant leg, and the last thing.. my cat got one stuck to his whiskers and face. With all those things, they didn’t spend too much time in finding the mite that I stuck on there. I should have circled it. smh

      Anyway, I know that they are mites now. What kind.. is an enigma. I am almost positive that it is a bird mite or one associated to bats. These little suckers move fast. I’m trying to get another one caught. Don’t know how I’m to do that if I can’t see not a one. I sorta call them “no-see-ums”. I am allergic to the bits. Horribly. Takes months to heal, all leaving hideous scars one my chin area, lower arms, ankle areas, and my upper back and neck. These go everywhere on your body. Every orifice they can find.

      I am dealing with this all alone. I lost friend. She was afraid to help me. I won’t call her again. Friends don’t desert friends. My landlord at first thought I was imagining the bugs. He doesn’t know how to deal with mites. I am alone with this. No friends. No family near this state.

      Now , I’ll tell you what I have been doing. I spray Isopropyl Alcohol 91%. Found out that it evaporates too quickly to kill all that comes in contact with it. I will now only order 70% proof. I sometimes add tea tree oil in it, but I no longer do that. Doesn’t make a difference. These mites are attracted to bright lights in a dark room. Also, I limit the areas that I am in. These mite congregate around this walking buffet. Me. They are still only in three rooms. Living, dining, and the bathroom. I can no longer sleep on my sofa. I now sleep on the floor in my small bathroom. It takes a while for them to find me. I wash all the stuff I use almost everyday. I vacuum everyday. Everywhere. Don’t care if I can’t see them or not. I have a Hepa filter vacuum. So, I needn’t worry about escapees. None the less.. I suck up a little Diatomaceous Earth. Don’t even think that freezing these will work. They will just go into hibernation mode. Heat works if hot enough. I have an electric dryer. They heat lower than a gas drier. I’m going to get some Borax next month. I’m all tapped out money wise. I’m retired. I use some of the spray for bed bugs. Some sorta work. These are impervious to it I think. The ones that survive a spraying.. become immune. Is why they are difficult to get rid of. Next month, I am going to have these rooms steam cleaned. My cushions are bagged and out on my porch. I will be recovering them with a material that is mite proof. It’s expensive, but I found a cheaper way. Shower curtain liners. Knowing how to sew is a plus. To cover that lining, I am remaking new covers. One that is micro suede. Yes, I know some upholstery. Comes from being alone without any help from anywhere.

      I have gotten to the point of letting out my frustrations, by yelling at the bugs. My poor cat is getting bit up as well. They have gotten into his ears. I use an ear cleansing solution for dogs and cats on him. It helps a little. My whole life has changed. Everything I was accustomed to doing.. I rarely do anymore. I cry a lot. Can’t sleep much. These bugs head to every private spot that they can find. I almost always feel them on me. The adult ones are sneakier. They live on my scalp 24/7. Is sorta why I thought scabies. I still do think that. I want to have a test to be sure. Not just a doctor looking and afraid to touch you. When you tell anyone about mites.. They treat you like you have an infectious disease or the plague. Most nurses didn’t even come in the exam room. Everyone donned surgical masks, gowns, and gloves. It’s so humidifying. I fired my doctor 2 days ago. Want a new doctor next time. I am glad for this site. It has been the most informative information so far. I thank the creators for coming up with this. I am open for what has worked for others. I don’t feel so alone.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Bird Mites.
    • #5364

      no one believed me either at first. My son was telling my grandkids that i was losing my mind. i was very upset. I was bound and determined to prove to everyone that I was sane. I used clear mailing tape. stuck strips of it on the nightstand. when i felt these bugs crawling on me i would slap the tape where i felt them. caught them and was taking samples to my local ag dept., pest control agencies and my doctors. After seven attempts with pest control companies i found one that was willing to help me. We have sprayed so much that we are getting ill. I have been researching tenting and fumigating. No success. is the only thing that i have been able to get help from. all these things help but still they come back. ive been reading this blog and have found some new ideas that seemed to help others. following faithfully. Praying for an end to this nightmare.

    • #5392

      I hope that someone has had more luck than me. We have spent over $10,000 on extermination companies that told us they would get rid of the pests. Most of them kept telling us it couldn’t be bird mites because they can’t live on human blood. Unfortunately, they seem to be doing just fine on mine. We have been fighting them for 3 years now. The problem started when a bird built a nest in our bathroom exhaust fan duct. During the same time, we had to open up a wall due to a water leak. This hole gave the mites an entry point once the birds left the next. At first we thought it was bedbugs. The first exterminator treated us for this pest. Nothing they used was working. We had them coming back weekly for several months, using a variety of pesticides and nothing worked. After using all of the extermination companies and paying so much money, we still have the mites. We have no more money to spend. I have been using multiple pesticides, natural oils, etc. We still have them. Our home is completely infested. Of course, it is impossible to sleep at night. We tried to get a positive identification from our local Health Department. No luck there. They came in and took samples three different times. I layer different repellents on my skin in order to help keep them away, but even these aren’t helping. The mites seem to bite right through them. (I vacuum daily, spray with alcohol, wash bedding, etc. daily in hot water with Borax. Nothing has worked.) I am looking for any new product that may help.

    • #5394

      I have had a very similar experience. Nearly every expert or authority I have contacted to try to get to a resolution has been dismissive saying that this problem cannot possibly be real. “Mites don’t behave this way.” “They can’t sustain life on human blood.” Which is confusing to me because mange mites and scabies exist, why is it such a far-fetched plausibility that other parasitic mites could exist?

      Two pest control companies have tried and then given up. I had to collect my own samples on glue boards and find them with a microscope to get the consulting entomologists to identify them. Most of them agree they are a species of bird mite. Either Red Chicken mites or Northern Fowl mites, one said it is a mix of both. Even with that proof, both pest control companies have refused to take on the work to solve it and would not provide me documentation of the identification for me to take elsewhere. I had to catch more samples and send them off to the local state university extension office to get documented proof and suggestions of how to resolve the issue. I sent this documentation to the county health department and got some more suggestions in return but they are all of the same things people have been discussing here for years and are only marginally effective. I took the documentation from the health department to medical professionals to seek treatment for parasites and was refused care and had my concerned dismissed.

      We are almost entirely on our own to fight this as there is very little incentive for anyone else to care or invest their time and I can’t entirely blame them because who would want to be anywhere near this if it meant the possibility of potentially ruining their own life in the process?

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