Bird Mite Infestation Forums General Discussion HELL on earth because of bird mites! Please help

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    • #1335

      Please help my family!!

      My husband has been tortured endlessly for the last 9 months. He’s experiences a crawling, moving, and biting sensation all over his body in different areas. He’s had bug bites all over his body too. We believe that he is infested with bird mites. We live in a rural area in OK. We’ve had lots of chickens over the last 3 years. The birds were itching constantly and you could tell that the birds were uncomfortable. We have also had an infested birds nest on our front balcony. We actually saw the mites on us that were from the infested nest on front porch, little black dots all over us! Wild birds like cardinals (and various other types of birds) populate the area that we live in. The wild birds would land on our porches multiple times a day. (We have resolved the wild bird problem by hiring an exterminator to spray bird repellent.) We can’t see what is on his body, it must be something microscopic. We have been pursuing this problem relentlessly for the past several months. My husband has had many doctor’s appointments and many dermatologist appointments with no help or relief from either. He’s sprayed/fogged our house many times with several different types of chemicals. We’ve even tried all natural sprays. We’ve implemented stringent cleaning regimes.

      My husband can’t find any relief or break from this. His vehicle and work office are infested too. We’ve had professional exterminators come to our house as well. This is severely affecting my husband’s life in all aspects. His physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health is rapidly declining. He has even quit his job recently. Nothing is working! We need any help or advice. I’m not sure where to turn to next…. I don’t know if we need to talk to an entomologist or have a specialist exterminator come out. If so, where to start with that? I don’t know how to show proof of the infestation? Or who to turn to next? Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated and much needed!

      Thank you,


    • #1342

      Hi Amanda,

      Just know that you and your husband are not alone. I hope that gives you some comfort. First of all, I would say that if you still have chickens, you need to get rid of them and completely contain and exterminate (and remove) the coop. In the book “The Year of the Mite”, having chickens is what made the author first become infested, and how it continued for so long.

      Definitely call around and speak to exterminators. But you need to ask them SPECIFICALLY if they have dealt with bird/poultry mites, and ask what chemicals they use and what their follow-up protocol is. There are guidelines on this website for talking to pest control operators.

      A lot of it comes down to daily vaccuuming/spraying of lysol or other strong cleaners, daily showering and scrubbing with neem oil and tea tree, and daily laundering. I have been dealing with them for some time (minor infestation – a few bites occassionally) but I have an extremely strict protocol and I bag up all my linens and clothes and don’t wear them again until they’ve been in the dryer for at least 30 minutes.

      There are lots of different things that people have done. Read everything on this forum, develop a plan that makes sense for your family, and implement it. But definitely call around to local PCOs and start talking to some that have experience specifically with this type of mite.

      Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
      – J

    • #1347
      Rom. 8:28

      Something that helps to give some sleep for someone close to me is the following :
      1. Shower as normal
      2. Take a bucket and fill it with a layer of salt (iodized or kosher or sea salt, not sure if it matters), and fill that bucket with water, making a salt solution.
      3. Turn shower off
      4. While still in shower, cover yourself in the salt solution, even putting it in your hair. This is just pouring water over yourself, like if you were to go swimming in the ocean.
      5. Blow dry yourself to get dry. Do NOT use a towel, since this will rub off the salt from your skin.

      Let me know if it helps at all, it seems to be one of the more effective methods of at least getting some sleep, as they don’t bite for a few hours after the salt shower.

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We recommend you use a licensed professional to address a bird mite problem. Don’t wait or the problem will get much worse and more expensive to treat. We have a list of pest control companies that are specifically qualified to treat bird mites.

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  • Most pest control companies have never dealt with bird mites before. You need to use a bird mite specialist.

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Keep in mind that if bird mites are not treated correctly, even if the correct chemicals are used, they can become resistant to those chemicals. Don’t use a pest control company unless they have extensive experience treating bird mites.

Also, many of our readers have followed up with (or used outright) natural solutions and pesticide-free, such as on our Treatments Protocols page Follow this link to that page.

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In addition to local exterminators, we offer a list of other natural, non-pesticide and/or do-it-yourself products that we have found helpful on our Treatments Protocol page.  Follow this link to the Treatments Protocols page.

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