Bird Mite Infestation Forums Your Story Hell since March 16 2020

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      January 4th 2020 I moved with my pup to an apartment in an old factory that was converted into Apartments on a River where the Ducks were popular and there was a beautiful dog walk on the river. I had nothing when I moved in there. within the first month I purchased every single thing you need to live . Furniture table chairs towels washcloths you name it every single thing!
      I moved 60 days ago in hope to leave the nightmare behind…. I washed everything with bleach water, boxing and sealing all edges of the boxes. Anything that involved any type of material I sprayed with rubbing alcohol and sealed it inside bags. Some I used the vacuum seal bags some I use three layers of trash bags; with the tops tied and sealed 100% And then into another bag with same into another bag with same. I left those bags sealed for 2 1/2 months. The airtight bags I evaluate daily to be sure they do not get air in them. When I moved I used a steamer that gets 250 + degrees on all of my wooden furniture which pretty much destroyed the finish. My new couch and chair I took to storage and they have been there since sept 14. I will wait for it to freeze for 30 days straight and then do eight treatments (spray every other day) with Premo Guard BEFORE I bring them to my new place. I truly do not even want to bring them here but they are brand new and I cannot afford to replace them. I am $5,600 into this nightmare that started two weeks after the pandemic.
      I have now thrown everything away except my wooden furniture and 2 bags of clothing, two blankets out of 9, two sets of sheets out of 15. And 5 boxes of sentimental items. Kept 1 of 7 pillows. Most my clothes and all my blankets and all my sheets are made of polyester. I do not keep any Linen in my house that consist of cotton if I can help it. One bag of clothes was brought to my new house with me to start.
      My new house was/is becoming infected because I was infected. I am slowly winning; I think, I hope, I pray, with using Premo Guard on the walls ceiling carpet office chair. After unsuccessful trys i now was with 3 cups Premo Guard per wash machine leaving them soak for 24 hours in it before washing and then they go straight into a trash bag after 180 minutes drying in my home dryer or 60 Minutes at the laundromat.
      For my body I am currently using a full regiment and pray I am winning; I use for cups straight KleenGreen in a full bathtub of as hot of water as I can stand soaking till water starts to get cold. I drain the tub standing there Then I scrub my body head to toe including hair with sulfur soap. I rinsed that with this hot water as I can stand. I then spray head to toe with diluted 1 to 4 parts chlorine bleach and I find the only Clorox brand of bleach works. When I do not feel anything crawling any longer I rents in as hot water as tolerable. I then wash with the new washcloths in Dr.Teal’s foaming body wash eucalyptus & spearment.rinse followed by a thick coating of Herbal Essences 3 in 1 Tea Up hair conditioner head to toe. After this I rinse lightly I do not scrub off. As I’m getting out of the shower I pour bleach into the Basin of the tub and spray the shower walls and shower curtain with straight bleach as I’m stepping out out of the shower I spray the floor where I’m stepping out onto with bleach and step out into the bleach I dry off with paper towels. I usually use almost the whole roll with one shower I throw the paper towels down into the bleach water on the floor as I’m using them. Once I am dried off I take a new wad of paper towels and I use all of them on the floor under the wad to drive the floor scooping all the paper towels into a trash bag twisting the bag up and sealing with a double knot. I then use Arrid Extra Dry spray under my arms under my breast and my entire bottom area. I stand outside of the bathroom and spray Lysol disinfectant all over the walls countertop floor. I then shut the bathroom door and shut off the light and do not enter the bathroom until the next day. I am blessed to have two bathrooms so I don’t have to use the toilet in there until the following day.
      I go into my kitchen as I do not stand on carpet ever! I air dry and I put on my clothing for bed straight from the dryer that I washed and put in the dryer when I’m headed for the bathroom for the shower. I go straight to bed where I cope my feet in Vicks Vapor Rub. Before I put my clothing in the dryer and get in the shower and make my bed straight from the dryer which also soaked in the Primo guard drying for 180 minutes and I sprinkle tea tree essential oil therapeutic grade on the sheets and put a top sheet over it. I then run a diffuser with a mixture of tea tree and cedar oil all night long. I turn on a small lamp in my TV as I never sleep in the dark anymore.
      This time consuming rigorous tactic I have almost won the battle after 10 months of pure infested hell. lots of Trials and errors many doctors I’ve been told I’m crazy have been laughed at by bug people at MSU. I found a dermatologist who at first was treating me like I was nuts and treated me for times for scabies and I finally went in and sat down face-to-face with the man and told him exactly what I felt about his behavior and how more and more people in Michigan are having this issue and that someday he’s going to have to face it and learn and educate himself. He now studies. He now studies after an exterminator found white snaptail mites in my apartment . I asked for Ivermectin which I have my second dose sitting here. I’m going to take just as soon as I am done re bagging my newly clean clothes as I just got done dealing with my storage unit throwing everything except for my couch and chair in the trash.
      I no longer eat sugar because I am a diabetic and whenever I eat sugar I can feel these things going insanely crazy. When I am hungry in the evening now I eat cooked asparagus, or broccoli, or garlic stuffed olives which are amazing awesome in the fight. If I could find some pickled garlic I would eat it like it was candy but I cannot find any on the shelves at the store and I have not had time to make my own otherwise I would.
      I went through a divorce in part due to this. My husband has them in his house but they do not affect his skin any longer but used to. I finished College while I was working full-time and fighting this every second of the day I had left over. I actually found myself having 3 hours of open time this week. I’m getting ready to open my last five boxes that I sealed when moving that I could not bring myself to throw away because there’s so much sentimental value inside of them. I’m going to stand here with my Premo guard as
      I open them and spray every single thing thick ! Primo guard says to use 1/4 cup per machine full of laundry but I did not get results until I was using 2 to 3 cups depending on what I was washing. If it’s thick material like sweatshirt or bedding I use 3 cups and I soak everything I washed for a minimum of 1 hour in the Primo guard in hot water. Dry for 180 minutes if I’m using my home dryer.
      My hair no longer crawls but I know that I still have some in there cuz I feel it occasionally. Most time I’m having a problem now is after I’ve been in my car. I’ve got to find a solution for my car! We are now getting into frigid temperatures here in Michigan which I’m hoping will help and seems to until I have to turn on the heater of the vehicle. This will be my next battle.
      You should know that the bigger the order Premo guard the bigger the discount. It’s super hard and I don’t know how I’m going to do the next round because my last round my sister sent me 12 gallons at once. I’m about 2 gallons shy which means I will have to buy them at 59 99 each. I will though.
      I have learned that what works one week will not work the second week so I have four different treatment setups that I rotate through. This one is the number one most effective treatment of all! I will say that my old apartment was a factory that they converted into apartment on a river and I had a pup. She was on every preventative there was available and she was infested. The Vets continuously told me there’s no way even after I showed them videos of hair going across the floor or lint going across the floor by itself. Living in an apartment the pup could not get away from the hell. I found a beautiful couple that has Countryside living and they took her so that she could get away from the bird mites. The last time they allowed me to contact them she was getting better. Out of all of things this depressed me the most and broke my heart.
      I battled depression all the time now and I’ve never had depression ever before. I have not seen my granddaughter since March because she has had open heart surgery twice as well as my mom who has had open heart surgery. I refuse to expose them.
      After reading as much as I have read I know that if you have a low immunity you will fight this. My daughter has exposed herself by helping me because she says she cannot feel this and it does not affect her. I am terrified for her! She also thinks I’m crazy but she trying to amuse me I think. I myself cannot be around fleas or anything like that because I can’t seem to fight them off just like this stuff.
      These things communicate I don’t care what anybody says I know they communicate. And they fight back. One thing I am absolutely 100% sure about is that I am not crazy as I have met 4 other people in Michigan who are dealing with this same exact thing. They follow my regiment and they too are slowly getting better.
      The sad thing is I don’t know how much longer I will be able to afford this treatment. It is way sad that the of Kleen Green and PremoGuard charge such a fortune for their products. I understand that they need to make money but what about the people who suffer from this nightmare that cannot afford their product. Therapeutic grade essential oil is also outrageous.
      I also drink Brown cider vinegar twice a day 3 tablespoons in the morning 3 tablespoons at night. 5 mm mg garlic tablets in the morning and at night and I take free evening primrose 500 mg in morning and night. I also take a pill that reduces yeast in my body and I eat 4 yogurts a day.
      I would like to also mention that in April I shaved my head bald. I am a female. People thought I’d lost my cookies. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at
      I would never ever wish this on my worst enemy !

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Birdmites.
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Birdmites.
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Birdmites.
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Keep in mind that if bird mites are not treated correctly, even if the correct chemicals are used, they can become resistant to those chemicals. Don’t use a pest control company unless they have extensive experience treating bird mites.

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