Bird Mite Infestation Forums Your Story Please tell people about NATRUM MURIATICUM 1M


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    • #1324

      I have found a cure for these torturous creatures. After trying every single thing possible over a period of two years now including two or three exterminators, Borax, Diatomaceous Earth, Lysol, Repel with 40% Deet, isopropyl alcohol (which all of those except the borax did really help get me through), Bed Bug spray, Sterifab, Kleen Free, multiple essential oils, Neem oil (which got rid of them on my head and hair), tea tree oil, eucalyptus and others, Lice Free spray, salt in the laundry, getting carpets cleaned, and multiple other strategies which has cost me thousands of dollars. I’ve gotten rid of two couches, two beds, four air mattresses, and so many blankets and pillows I can’t even count, fifteen to twenty blankets at least. My poor daughter has lasted with me through all of this and we were living with no beds or pillows and only one blanket each for a few months. They were starting to really affect my job performance and focus, I went for four days once with absolutely no sleep, only crying and trying to sleep.

      Finally I came across a lady who mentioned NATRUM MURIATICUM 1M, which are basically salt tablets. I have been taking them for a week now and I was basically cured the first night. I could finally tell that when they would come out at night to eat me and torture me alive, those suckers would immediately die. They have since only been dying any time they come around me and it is a sweet sweet life now, I cannot tell you how free I am at last. They are still barely around but I am not worried about which clothes are touching what and can wrap the blanket around my neck or legs, which I couldn’t do for the longest time because they would come racing. We have beds, pillows, blankets, and just got our couches. I’m not as worried about buying new things now because I know that I will at least be able to be comfortable even if I have to take these darn salt tablets the rest of my life. I’m not sure how long it will take to be totally free but this is the cure for sure.

      Here is the Natrum Muriaticum 1m I purchased on Amazon.

      Nothing would ever get rid of the eggs, but I do have a steamer now so I will be steaming everything as well, but I don’t feel like I absolutely have to anymore. I just want someone out there to know and to try NATRUM MURIATICUM 1M so they aren’t crying on the bathroom floor because it’s impossible to get away from the mites, or constantly taking baths and showers. No more wondering what they did to deserve this or when it will END.

      Try the salt tablets, and they have to be the 1M. It is a strong dose so be careful and read up about the warnings. I’ve heard don’t take more than what it directs or it won’t work, also don’t take a lesser dose because it doesn’t work either. I did take a lesser dose at first until I got the 1M that I had ordered online. They will GET RID of them so you can live a normal life again. I am waiting for all of the remaining eggs to hatch and for them to bite me and die from the salt in my system. I hope to let you know that they are COMPLETELY gone in the next few weeks, but like I said, it’s only been a week and three days now but I can live!!

      Please share my story as I am so grateful I came across the lady who shared hers, without it I would still be miserable in a life taken over by mites.

      Ashley C.

    • #1326
      Rom. 8:28

      Ashley C, thanks for the suggestion.
      What was the reasoning behind why the lady recommended these tablets?

      Also, does it have to be the specific brand you recommend?

      Finally, who in your family was affected by the mites? Was it just you? Or everyone?

      Thanks, Malachi

    • #1331

      Hi Malachi,

      The lady who recommended the tablets is into holistic medicine, and thought they could help. Any brand might be fine, but I linked to the specific ones that helped me in case anyone asked.

      As far as who was affected by the mites, it was just me and my daughter. We are the only two in the house.

      Best of luck!!

    • #1332
      Rom. 8:28

      Is the “1M” referring to the potency of the compound?

      Also, did anyone else who came to your house get bit, or were the bugs specific to you and your daughter? I ask because my situation has been where the bugs only like one specific person, and no one else.

    • #1337

      You’re the second person who has posted about these pills being a cure. Months ago, I purchased the natrum mariaticum 10m, but didn’t get any relief at all. I took 5 little pills at a time. Please tell me how many of the 1 m you take at a time, and how many times per day and I’ll give them another try.

    • #1343

      My mom and I (both affected, living in different places now) have ordered these based on your recommendation and were able to get the correct dosage. I can’t wait for mine to arrive and to start using them. For anyone else doing this as well, just read up on the side effects of natrium muriaticum, as it may cause negative effects for some. Just something to bear in mind.

      I’ll update once I start using them regularly. Thanks again for sharing this — it gives us some hope.

      – J

    • #1374
      Rom. 8:28

      Any updates on the effectiveness (or continuing effectiveness) of the Nat Mur 1M?

    • #1386

      UPDATE: I posted above. I have been taking these pills since Jan 27th (so just over 2 weeks). It is the 1M concentration, and I dissolve 5 pills 3 times per day under my tongue.

      At first, I still kept up with my daily bathing, laundering, cleaning routine. I pretty much only get bit on the neck and scalp, and after taking them I didn’t find any new bites for almost 12 days. I let the routine fall away just a bit (didn’t daily shower once or twice). Now, 17 days or so into it, I have had 1 more bite since that initial one. I am discouraged that it hasn’t been a “miracle fix” that the person above posted about, but I’m continuing to take them.

      My mom has had similar results — still a few bites but fewer than before. She was at her drs and mentioned that she was on the salt tabs and the dr said that people should only take them for a month or two before taking a break from them. I haven’t felt any adverse effects, but perhaps it’s not perceptible.

      So — not sure what to say. I know the life cycle from egg to adult is around 10 days, so I knew that there might be more bites around that time. I feel as though I can still feel them crawling at times but I didn’t have a big infestation to begin with.

      So — it’s kind of working? Again, this is me being a few weeks into it.

    • #1387

      I will also note that I have seen these pills come in many other concentrations but I think the 1M is the one you need. We were lucky to find them in a local health store, but I’ve only seen them in that concentration in that one place (in Ontario, CAN, for reference).

    • #3459

      I tried these for a few weeks and didn’t see a change. I gave since started seeing a homeopathic doctor in hope they can help me. I’ll let you know.

    • #3656

      Has anyone else or those who have mentioned it here seen any additional results? I am looking to try this.

    • #3880

      A quick update from me –

      Started getting bitten (infestation in family home) when I can home for Christmas this past year. Started taking these salt tabs (based off of what I read here) after 20 days. Took them for just under two months religiously. I was also daily vaccuuming/cleaning, laundering, washing, keeping things in bags, etc. But I seemingly got rid of them (a month with no bites)!

      That is, until COVID hit and I moved back home where they hadn’t been entirely eradicated. Got them again. Started taking the salt pills again (I would also take garlic and a daily cold vitamin too – FYI) for a few months. I was also stepping up treatment because we bought a steamer and I would steam my mattress, office chair, and floor around my bed daily (I think the steamer is KEY). I’m now been “clear” again for over a month.

      So — all that to say, I’m not sure if the salt pills (Natrum) did anything because I combined it with so many other things. I think the key is just to do treatment every day (cleaning, washing self, steaming – highly recommend).

      My dad just got a bite today after months of nothing. Feeling disheartened because I thought we had kicked them for good. *sigh* back on here to try and find more ideas.

      Good luck to you all 🙂

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