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  • in reply to: Bird mites moved with me #4910

    Yes it happened to me. Everywhere I go they go. They get in your things and travel that way. They also travel in your hair and clothes. I also believe they are in the environment outside at my house. I believe the only way to beat them is by moving and leave everything behind and start completely over. You would need to make sure they are off of you before moving in the new house too so you wouldn’t want to move straight there. It takes 7 days for eggs to hatch so you would need to treat yourself longer than that before moving in. I’ve been dealing with it almost 2 years and have moved twice but I didn’t leave everything behind. I was very careful but I still took them with me. It’s a serious problem for sure. I want to mention that steam mopping the floor helps me keep the numbers down and I know Lysol kills them but my house is too large to spray as often as I would need to to get rid of them. I’m fixing to try diet and eliminate sugar and gluten. I know I have a yeast problem, I’m hoping if I get rid of that it will help.

    in reply to: How do you sleep at night? #4692

    One more thing. I don’t make the bed up with clean sheets until I am ready for bed. That keeps me out of the room until sleep time. I also taped the legs of the bed with double sided tape. I also don’t have the bed against the wall.

    in reply to: How do you sleep at night? #4691

    What has helped me is this: I sleep in a spare bedroom that has nothing in it except my bed. I bought one of those folding metal frames and a tri fold mattress on Amazon and encased the mattress. I don’t go in there except to sleep and its right after my shower. In the morning when I wake up I take the sheets and blankets off and put them in a garage bag and put it in the freezer for a few days before washing. Then I spray the bed mattress (underneath too, thats what the folding mattress helps with), frame and floor underneath with Lysol. I spray the walls about every few days. I spray my pillow with 190 proof vodka and put it in a garage bag. It will be evaporated by bedtime. After my bath I do nothing except go straight to bed. This is very important. I very seldom get bit at night with this

    in reply to: What worked for my bird mite infestation (so far) #4635

    Hi, I was wondering if you could give the exact recipe for the pine sol, citric acid you used on your floors?

    in reply to: Please tell people about NATRUM MURIATICUM 1M #3459

    I tried these for a few weeks and didn’t see a change. I gave since started seeing a homeopathic doctor in hope they can help me. I’ll let you know.

    in reply to: FinallyFree from mites hell #1282

    I really appreciate your post so much. I have often wondered if becoming a vegetarian has caused this to happen as I believe I’m iodine deficient. I’ve scheduled an appointment to find out if I am and whether I may have another problem. I will let you know what happens. Again thanks so much!

    in reply to: Need help finding out what I have #1281

    I really appreciate the response of FinallyFree and I am going to get myself checked out because I do believe I am iodine deficient because I became a vegetarian last year. I will update once I find out.

    in reply to: Exterminator requires a sample before treatment #1185

    What I did was take a wide piece of clear tape and when I felt a bite I’d put the tape over it. I just sent mine off to the University of Georgia for analysis so we’re hoping they will find some.

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