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  • in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4667

    well, they are microscopic hun so u can’t see them. I’m not sure how to end this for you just as I’m not sure how to get rid of them off and out of me either.
    As far as wanting to be with a partner, I am in the same boat – can’t get close to someone when they’re crawling out of my nose and all over my body biting as they go.
    I really don’t know about what you can do about work – I know there was a testimony written up on here which told about someone who was living in an infestation and was still working – if you can find it on here, perhaps follow their lead? I have no idea πŸ™

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4661

    I’ve had a guy who has been a friend for most of the time this has been going on but he didn’t believe in any of it…..until he got bitten….and then saw them when I used a strong torch and a vacuum cleaner to vac them out of the air as I shone the torch on them.
    I hate people that call me a liar but I put up with him because I knew the truth and the truth will always show itself eventually.
    He is terrified of it all now (which I find hilarious). I’m a cruel person but my sense of retribution feels as if it has been satisfied now. πŸ˜‰ lmao

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4660

    I so understand the feeling of not wanting to spread it…..I won’t go into the houses of others or allow them in here either because it only takes one or two…..
    I can’t get back to using a gy until they’re gone nd so life has no joy in it for me.
    I can inly throw out my clothes/put them in storage/bags etc and throw out my furniture so I can be free of it all. As they’ve laid eggs in my nasal passages and eyes, I’m not sure how long it will take for them all to exit and die – we’ll see eh?
    Bloody God – first the MS (I wasn’t impressed with that as a starter lol) but then the ruination of my life and belongings…..it’s all a bit much really. I’m not impressed πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4657

    Hi again hun
    Don’t let them start to gas light you and convince you that you’ve gone mental – they’ve marked my medical records as ‘manic – not psychotic’ but manic nonetheless.
    This means that any doctor I go to for anything from now on will see the alert from my medical records so no one takes me seriously at all anymore.
    It’s a long story of course but I was taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital after I called an ambulance due to my being caught by my heat intolerance on a hot day when I had driven to get my head shaved.
    Because my limbs can’t move properly once I overheat, I had to call an ambulance as sitting in my car was making it worse (unbeknownst to me my exhaust had exploded when I had left my house which accounts for the car being as hot as it was).
    When I got to the RAH, I cooled down but the doctors didn’t understand anything about MS and heat intolerance so when I explained the bird mite situation and my shaved head, and refused to givve them my blood, they marked me as manic and kept me in hospital overnight against my will.
    THIS is how bad Australia has become now due to the BIG Pharma obsession with money.
    So, needless to say, after nearly 4 years, I have a very short temper about it all lol Somehow, I have kept my sense of humour and refuse to sit and take it. Do me a massive favour and just stay YOU no matter what the nay sayers come at you with. You know this situation to be true, and can prove everything if they’d just pull their fingers out of their arses – always stand tall knowing that what you’ve experienced is true and all anyone would need to do would be to stay at your place.
    Just promise me that you’ll stand strong and will not succumb to believing the BS they’re spinning.
    Do not do anything which would finish u off. I know how it feels but we all need you here as another voice to speak up aout it all.
    Besides, I’d miss you.

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4654

    Hi feelinghopeless
    My current situation/ case has been from living at a different address than where I am now. It started with the downlights not being attended to by the rental agency from which I rented the unit. It took me a year to work out what was going on as all I knew was that things were getting in my nose. It took me standing back and looking out the windows of the unit at the bright blue sky and noticing these weird plasma-like looking things falling into the unit.
    Now, because the city/suburban pest controllers have never dealt with a bird mite infestation, they missed a lot of what it took me about 2 years to add everything out and educate myself on things.
    Firstly, they are of the arachnid genus and so lay eggs before they begin their cycle of life. Now, for these bastards to get to feeding on their blood meal (me), it seems that they have had to morph into these weird plasma-type things to fall down and then form egg sacks and from there, once warm and near me, they would begin the biting.
    Where I live now, they come out of the furniture they infested at y previous address – the pest controllers have always been adamant that it is ‘just dust’ or dirt and I am clearly lazy and dirty because of that (let’s not forget that this also comes from their discriminatory attitude towards anyone who is ‘different’ and viewed by them as a lesser form of human than themselves – walking with a stick generally gets people treating me as if I have Down Syndrome even though they can see with their own two eyes that I have no look of any kind of mental retardation).
    So yeah, stuck in the roundabout of this shitty thing, I just go through the motions to try to survive. Having MS assists the ‘experts’ and ‘authorities’ to dismiss me as crazy and simply not understanding that ‘it is just the MS’, and those bite marks are ‘just eczema’ (even though I have NEVER had eczema in my life and I am a tad too old for it to suddenly happen at the age of almost 50), and the doctors have doubted my having said that the hairdresser saw egg sacks in my hair when my head was first shaved…….the MS diagnosis and the stick stops the medical brigade from seeing me as a human being who was living in a bird mite infested property.
    lol it is all just ridiculous and so infuriating – I am so sick of being patronised and discriminated against. rolls eyes​
    Lucky I have a sense of humour and a solid sense of self or I’d have topped myself by now – Australia is not the best place to live when it comes to things which aren’t a universally general occurrence.
    Hope you’re hanging in there OK – don’t you let them throw you in any kind of funny farm alright? Time to find the rage within and let the fire of it keep you steady and serene amongst the bullshit. πŸ™‚

    ‘What we do in life, echoes through eternity.’
    MARCUS AURELIUS (121 – 180 A.D.)

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4650

    Hi Mighty-I-am-presence,
    sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier – but I am now…..hope that’s OK.
    I think my infestation is a little different (maybe Australian bird mites do things differently?) – dunno but I will persevere as best I can and will just do everything I can to eventually come out on top. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4649

    Hi feelinghopeles
    I’m surviving – it’s going into Winter now so they’ve lessened in size which is scary but less bites. I will just have to try to make it through Winter and see hiw it goes. I have given up on trying to get help from any ‘experts’ as I spoke to the entomology dept at Adelaide Uni and they seem to think that these rotten bugs are only in mite form when these ones are totally different. They do the normal thing of laying eggs once they have fallen from the air and then come out of them and bite, but I honestly believe that these must be a different strain…I’m still amazed that the real estate agent who knew and said that it was bird mites, didn’t back me or get involved since she has been through it herself.
    It’s OK, I’ll just soldier on and maybe the big fella upstairs will send me the person who ‘gets’ it and will end this nightmare for me.
    MS and the discrimination is hard enough to survive through – something’s gotta give. πŸ˜‰
    If you ever need an ear, feel free to get in touch. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4563

    I survive because I’m stubborn πŸ˜‰ Plus, I believe I’ll make it out of this – it’ll just take someone who has seen it before and understands it to make a professional identification of the damned things. People cannot possibly be this heartless, cruel, or immbecilic.

    in reply to: AUSTRALIA – looking for help #4524

    yes it is horrible but I already knew that – didn’t need the Universe to paint it in capital letters across my face though. I am totally alone in this – no friends, no family, just fighting it every day – I have been looking like a buddhist priest for over two years now and have not slept in a bed for just as long.
    But I’m still cheery! lmao there’s something wrong with me – the bugs must have infested my brain too now. πŸ˜‰

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