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  • in reply to: Bird Mites Under Skin? #5248

    Mighty I am, see my reply to Kim. I have gone through the same thing, but there are many different things out there, and if the bird parasite, or whatever it is, transmits something like strongyloides, using Diamateous Earth, or other irritants, or laxatives, can cause that to spread throughout your body, organs, and brain, with a large death rate. The aim is for a non mobile/ relatively peaceful death for those ones, so they don’t scatter. Super resistant, and can cover themselves and seal in, away from parasite treatment for years at a time, so it becomes a life time of treatment, because you can’t kill them all at once. However, there are strategies to kill bacterium in biofilm, and maybe strategies to crack these things open. So, look up the salt and vitamin C protocol (there is a more advanced one in a book) and FIRM protocol. These are related to Lymes/Morgellons, if that is the sort of thing actually involved. Also, at curezone there was a a Morgellons parasite thread, by ICU, I think.
    They are internal and come out. It can be, that one can get bird mites, which has something else in them, and then jumped to the person. The strongyloides itself can have bacterium. It’s common for a lot of insects to require this bacterium (maybe even require the worms in various ones) to be able to live or reproduce, maybe the worms breed this too, I forget.

    I have used potentially lethal fumigation with commercial ozone generator, and air con to dry the air to produce more ozone, and affect them. Ozone is a mild irritant, which comes during lightening storms, but used in quantities you will cough violently, even after you are out of it for a while, but if you fall, have a heart attach, or whatever, and can’t get out, you will die. But their are commercial businesses offering the service. I use special safety procedures so I have ventilation and door open, and turn it on near the door as I leave, or outside the sealed room I turn it on (rooms leak all over the place, especially around the doors. But, if it is a unit or other dwelling attached to a neighbour, or the person in the next room, or not properly ventilated area, it can leak and kill people, pets, fish I don’t know. Now, it also causes things like rubber seals to perish, metal to rust, other things, even some wiring, to deteriorate, and vynle flooring to give up its chemicals and become sticky. Wouldn’t put it in cars. Material just sucks it up and bleach unevenly in an airflow, and cottons just breaks down, like it’s decades old, been left in the sun for years. So, my clothing box, with ozone, didn’t work out, too much material, sucks it up before it penetrates deep down, and things bleach and disintegrates. Please note, don’t put them in a box, these things use plasma plates, and heat up, so the lint and materials in there are a fire hazard. I got a small one with dehumidifier tube, fed in the “silicon” hose in and out of the box to the unit, with filtration to stop link, into a tube type ozone units, used for detoxifying vegetables. Very low piped airflow. I sealed the box and opening with air tight seals, and notched them for the hose to go in and out. I put the output on top facing over above the cloths, and the return in the opposite corner or so at the bottom. In hind sight, maybe I should have just made it to take one or two days clothing at a time, spread out thinner, or hung them in a seal wardrobe. It seems that materials will just stop it being effective. So, hanging versus enough output dispersed to minimise bleaching is probably better. Then, working out how much time to get a result. Still trial and error. But one last thing. Using a commercial sized unit, to fumigate some stuff years ago. I had found a gym aerobic stretch band thing. I left it on a door handle, and put the machine on. Within 3 to 5 minutes, I heard a plonk on the floor. Looked in later, and saw it in pieces. It literally broke it, new out of the old packet, in minutes. What it works on, it does do with great affect. If one put a bike in there with rubber tires, you going come back to a bike with either busted tires, or Lely to bust when riding. So, check your stuff, your kids stuff, and especially your wives expensive nick nacks, before you find a $200 handbag, dress, shoes, or accessories, ruined (that would not go down well).

    So, a commercial operator is a must to get that one and while clean (and all your long lasting insecticide sprayed around, will be deteriorated within half an hour probably). But, it really got the numbers down.

    A better strategy might be an ultra dry dehumidifier project like on YouTube. But, you are going dry out, and some things around your place are going dry out and get trouble. But, that’s going be less than a commercial ozone generator. However, hard to buy, and large capacity ones tend to be expensive airconditioner like products. Aircons tend to reduce humidity only to a certain level, for our comfort, and not enough. BTW, any pets are likely to also go dry, and little water containers. Babies and frail or elderly. I wake in the morning when I have tried it, with drying, on verge of cracking lips (imagine what it does to bugs). Also, static electricity, will be up, and whatever it does to electronic components, and fire hazards. So, one should be careful of that too. I’ve tried heat treatment, and sat around outside to keep an eye (I’m talking electric fan, people have gotten into a lot of trouble with gas powered ones). The heat treatment, like others has potential drawbacks, but is used to kill off things. Originally they found that sustaining some fifty some thing temperature for an hour or two worked, but now it’s moved somewhere over 70. As people here with dryers know, that some don’t seem to work, at these temperatures. I work out my stuff and dry my clothes extra dry, which dries out critters and gets hotter. But, on my front loader, I’m wash 95, dry 2hr (wet) let it decrease for three hours automatically, using up the heat and getting the cloths to where they should be, and put it back on for an extra hour. But an hour and a half would be better. If only I could put it on 2.5-3 hours (depending on the load) I could give the things up to an hour of heat at low humidity. My old machine couldn’t do it
    So, I had to carefully keep going until I could smell that iron smell (slightly cooked). That did it. But, the present machine is much better, except it won’t allow 2.5 to 3 hours. Dryers are also dangerous, as certain things, including things wasted that had linseed oil or other, can combust and burn. So, it’s worth getting to know how much your machines dries different loads, and avoid over doing it. It maybe, there is no way to kill them in it which is safe. I personally, want 80-90 degree drying cycles, and slow dry when dry for 45 minutes or 1 hour, maybe with humidity sealed in at a low percentage, for safety, to low for parasites to maintain thier liquid, but high enough to prevent burning. Simple modifications. It might be a 70 degree cycle like that might dry them out enough over time.

    in reply to: Bird Mites Under Skin? #5247

    Kim, I’ve had the same experience, and I would look up what mighty I am said. But, his advise is only helpful if it’s a correct match, if things like strongyloides micro-worms are involved as well, it’s a different strategy for each, to stop those sorts of things spreading out the gut and through tissues etc, which would not be good. So, I am trying to stun them so they don’t travel when agitated when trying to get them out. It’s also helpful not to post on April the 1st. It’s probably going turn out, these things which are often low grade or non existent, in very healthy people doing the research, is a major section of health issues in the country. I might guess 80% plus have some sort of thing, and even more when very old. Doctors will dismiss things as virtually every body has parasites. But we don’t know most parasites, nor too much about how they interact with humans and the difference between how closely related parasites might act differently, or how some humans get different issues. For a lot of the sub types of parasites that are not supposed to affect humans, I have looked at, I have found a sub-type which does. That’s the deception the common sub-type may not affect the common healthy human, but other humans are affected, and another sub types might may affect them etc. What’s happening is not good science or medicine. You have to find good medicine that follows good science.

    I am disabled because of I’ll health before I picked up these things, and am here after some treatment recovery after a few years, to find out if the mites are a match. But, it’s way more complex. When I post a thread please read it. Parasites carry other things as well. Certain people get affected. Higher testosterone, no pathology, calcium, magnesium and manganese (I forget zinc) status, and how strong the fibres in your tissues affects how active they are. These things, particularly manganese and zinc, can be dangerous, particularly children (which even through diet I would get health professional advice, as children are undergoing unusual biology and pick up and resist other things different to us), if too much is taken, or out of balance, so get health professional advice on how much is safe to take. Look up the cofactors for tissues. I think silica was involved. A lot of medical sites are far too simplistic about minerals and other nutrients, and pays to look up advanced professional advice on what’s better for each case and age. Diet is one way to explore, but not everybody can absorb as well (get professional health advice).

    But even though a person looks unaffected, if they actually, are they might not see much until the get older, or older, sick or pathology (and people commonly talk about use of anti-inflammatory etc which have alteration side affects on the bodies defences) and the body changes. In this parasite feed on, or eat, parasite world, it gets internal they come out as the mighty post indicates, and on people who have it bad, it’s bad. Doctors view this as symptoms, or symptoms they don’t know, not causes past what convenient causes they think or are told, hence, they divert to those, rather than research that much. It’s called good practice, I think.

    So, the nutrients for tissue strength probably includes silica. But look up “co-factors” for things. The lining inside your digestive tract, things can live in, or firmly attach there, in abundance. So, it takes a long time to get down, and different drug/etc treatments affect different life stages of some parasites, so combinations are useful. When a treatment is working they may lay more eggs, and more, and bigger worse ones come out. If you are of Lyme’s or other such thing, the pathogen gives your body a smell, and they can pick up several things. The life cycles of these things looks like a number of separate things. DWM, (Doctors Without Microscopes) can get confused if they are using magnifiers no better than a phone camera with, or without, a cheap microscope attachment. If they can see clearly, they can assess and send things to the right lab test (but no guarantee the person doing the test is good at it, but a doctor that thinks it is not delusional, will probably help. Yes. I saying there are something wrong in labs).

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